Step right up. Step right up.

Welcome to the weird, wild and wonderful world of my imagination.
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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Exciting Day

My new business cards arrived today. I'm over the moon with them as i feel these ones represent me a lot better than the last ones i had.  I was also delighted to discover a little article which the local Art Center had put into the local paper called the Leinster Express promoting my Art page.  I am so busy at the moment i am up to my eyes retaking photo's of my old pictures and my new pictures for printing as i will be selling prints of all my work.  In the coming months i hope to open up my own online shop so it is all go go go.  I am also very busy with producing new work as well but i am in my element and feel so happy.  It is the little things in life that mean so much. Thank's for stopping by. I'l keep ye posted about everything. eeeeeeeeeeek

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